Thursday, April 4, 2013

Let Go

The past few weeks have been rough. School, work, other responsibilities, friendships... it all adds up. And sometimes it adds up too much and too quickly.

So... I've realized. You just have to let go. There have been quite a few things weighing me down these days, and this morning I woke up realizing that I do not have to be a slave to these weighty feelings. I can let it go. There are people in my life that serve very little positive significance. That may sound harsh, but, well, the truth hurts sometimes. And again, this morning, I realized, I can let them go too. If your presence in my life does more bad than good, then it's time that I let you go too.

I worry about the future a lot. Where will I live? What job will I have? Will I make enough money? How will I survive? The future isn't real yet, and I don't live there. I live today, so I need to focus on today. And for the past? The past is real, for sure. But I don't live there anymore either. So, I gotta let go of that too.

There is nothing more empowering than literally feeling the weight just lift right off your shoulders. So, today I am letting go. Letting go of the negatives, the worries, and everything that doesn't matter. I will hopefully let go tomorrow too, but, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.