Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5 Senses and Friendship

Ever heard that saying, "you never know what you have until its gone?" Well, this week gave me new meaning to that phrase. I've had one heck of a cold that has rendered three out of five of my senses useless. My sense of smell, taste, and hearing... all gone. Everyone's been joking around saying there's a plague going around the floor I live on in our dorm. Well, I'm pretty sure it's true. Not one of us is a healthy person these days. Maybe it's because its midterms? Not sure.

And who comes to my rescue when I'm struggling along this week? You guessed it, Courtlyn. One of my best friends. I wait loyally for the texts she always sends me everyday giving me details on the next adventure she has planned. She tells me she is hungry for Chinese. My response: "When can you pick me up?" Haha.. first off, mention the word Chinese, and I'm yours. Second off, didn't I say it's midterms? So of course I will take any chance I can get at a good excuse to stop doing school work. After we eat, she sees how crappy I feel and tells me to just stay at her house to relax and get a nice, good, full, quiet night's sleep. I figured we'd work on homework together....

NAH! We made friendship bracelets instead... and besides, that homework isn't going to go anywhere. It can wait. :)

I love my best friends. They always are lookin' out for me. :)

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